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BHS Guidance Newsletter
Quarter 4
Spring 2022

The Brockton High School Guidance Department produces a quarterly newsletter to inform the students, families, and staff of important information to help you plan ahead, stay on track and reflect.

Quarter 4 Editors:

Heather Arrighi

Kelly Cassidy

Sandra Defaria

Tenyka Goldsboro

Elyse Horton

Cassandre Louis

Melissa McNeil-Pleasant

Rogette Solomon


Best of luck to the class of 2022!

College Friends
College Campus

               The end of the year is upon us. After graduation, there are important steps to complete in transitioning to college, trade schools, the military or employment.

Colleges and trade schools commonly require a deposit at the beginning of May or June in order to secure placement. Students who are planning to attend need to make sure they have filled out all necessary forms and have sent in a deposit. Additionally, the financial aid offices at colleges and universities, as well as trade schools, often need forms and paperwork from incoming freshman. Students should be sure to familiarize themselves with the staff of the financial aid office. The FAFSA application will need to be filled out every year.

                Over the summer colleges will send out emails notifying incoming students about orientation dates and other important obligations such as registering for classes. Students should respond to all requests on a timely basis. Colleges are strict about deadlines so attention to notifications is of utmost importance.

Upon arrival to the campus in late August or early September, students should locate all of the buildings and learn the office hours of each professor. It will also be important to know the operating hours of the bookstore, registrar’s office, the financial aid office and all of the cafeterias.

             To be successful students should schedule time to study, develop a routine sleep pattern, and eat a healthy diet. Be sure to get involved in campus activities, attend a sports event or concert, and perhaps join a club or committee. Extra-curricular activities will enhance the college experience!!

                  Students who are planning to seek full-time employment should construct a resume. MEFA Pathways has a resume builder which can be found on It is a good idea to check online for local job fairs and attend as many as possible. Also, the guidance office may have information about full time positions in the area. Employers may request a formal interview and students should plan to dress accordingly and arrive on time.

                   Students who have enlisted in the military should be sure to keep in contact with recruiters so as not to miss deadlines or overlook obligations.

Guidance Counselors will be available through June 30, 2022. Please call the office, email or message us on Teams with any questions on your important life transition.

Congratulations to all of our graduates! May you enjoy a bright and prosperous future!


Classroom Lecture
Paper Clips

Summer School Program

How are your grades this year? Do you need to make up a failed class?  This year, the Summer School Program will be FREE for all Brockton Public Schools students in high school.  It will be in person at Brockton High School during the entire month of July. There will be NO virtual option this year.


You must be eligible to participate in summer school. To attend, a student must pass 2 terms of a full year course or 1 term of a semester course. Guidance counselors have sent preliminary summer school letters home to parents of students that may fail a major course. At the end of June, a second letter will be mailed home for students that did not successfully pass a class and are eligible for summer school.


Right now, you should review your grades in Infinite Campus and see if you might be eligible for summer school. Make sure to complete all your fourth term schoolwork and stay after for extra help if needed. Finally, keep watching your 4th term grade and make sure you pass each class. This term grade could be the difference between you being eligible for summer school or not.


Finally, you should know that summer school is NOT mandatory, BUT still a very good idea! Failing classes can affect your promotion to the next grade level and earning credits towards graduation. If you decide not to enroll in summer school courses, you may need to repeat courses to meet graduation requirements. If you have any questions, please see your guidance counselor ASAP!



June 30th


5-7 PM


July 1st


11 AM- 1PM

July 5th - 29th

Summer School

7:30 - 11:30 AM


BHS Counselors

Available from

7:10 AM to 2:23  PM 

Until 6/30/22


Summer School

Guidance Office

508-580-7633 ext. 6101



Painting Together

MassHire Summer Jobs Program

MassHire is now accepting application for the Summer Jobs Program.

If you are between the age of 16-21. The deadline is May 19th.

To apply please visit: WWW.MASSHIREGBWB.ORG

Charity Volunteers

MassHire Wave Program

If you are 14-15 years old, there is a 7-week WAVE volunteer program.

For more information, please contact: YOUTHSERVICES@MASSHIREGBWB.ORG



Summer Swim

Lifeguard Training

The American Red Cross is offering a session from May 24-June 4.

$150.00 for a full certification

$85.00 for recertification.

Please visit the Community School Website for more information and other sessions.

Summer Enrichment Programs

Working on a Computer

UMass Amherst

Virtual and In-person Summer Program

You can prepare for next school year by getting exposed to college life!

Pre-college programs available this summer for rising 10th - 12th graders.

New Pre-College Programs for Summer 2022


Break from Reading

Regis Summer Scholars Program

For information on this great program view the 10-minute info session posted above.

We are encouraging all interested student to apply soon as our application deadline is May 13, 2022!



Youth Basketball Game

Stonehill Sports Camp

Stonehill Sports Camps caters to Youth, High School or Club Teams. We give student-athletes access to premier, state-of-the-art facilities and instruction from NCAA Division II collegiate staff, coaches, and players.

At any of our camps, your student-athlete will get direct one-on-one instruction from coaches who win tournaments and championships.



SAT Information

2022-2023 Test Dates and Deadlines

School Supplies

Preparing for the SAT



The Let’s get ready program will be held virtually.

June 21st - August 19th

Monday/Wednesday OR Tuesday/Thursday

Time: 5:00-6:30PM


Dried Oranges


The school year is almost over, and summer is fast approaching! Many of us are at the edge of our seats and can’t wait for a much-needed break. Whether we have plans to go on vacation, get a summer job, or just stay home (without setting an alarm clock for 5am), it’s important to remember to take care of ourselves. Here are some ways that you can do just that…


Try to get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. This can include aerobics, flexibility exercises or strength training. Consider sports, weightlifting, swimming, walking or running.


Your body needs at least eight hours of sleep each night to function at its best. Set a regular bedtime and plan your day accordingly.

Sleeping with Eye Mask
Eat Healthy

Eat a variety of foods from each of the food groups. It is ok to have an occasional treat but watch out that you don’t go overboard! Remember…always eat breakfast and avoid eating just because you’re bored.

Healthy Food
Avoid Bad Habits

Stay away from tobacco, drugs and alcohol. Using these things could lead to serious conditions including lung and heart disease, liver problems, and destroyed relationships.

Set Goals

Summer break is the perfect opportunity to set goals for yourself and try new things, that you didn’t have time for while school was in session.  Read a book, try a new hobby, make a new friend, or whatever goal you want to set for yourself to help you to feel accomplished this summer!

Bullet Journal

Have fun this summer, but also make sure you give yourself a break.  Self-care is important and meditation is a great way to calm your mind.  When you feel your stress starting to build up, be sure to take the time to stop what you are doing and take a mindful pause.    




Reading is a good way to take a break away from the electronics and a good source of leisure for many.  It’s also proven to be critical in helping students to retain knowledge and skills obtained throughout the year.  So, challenge yourself and read a book or two this summer!

Reading a Book
Organize Your Space

This is a great way to get everything in order before the new school year or before you start your next venture in life.  Take some time and properly store your belongings, declutter, and re-organize.  Organizing your physical space creates room for your mind to relax. 

Tidy Closet
Palm Trees

Farewell to Ms. Defaria, Ms. Rubilar, and Ms. Mascarenhas.
Happy Retirement!

After a combined 70 years working in Brockton Public Schools, the time has come for three superstar counselors: Sandy Defaria, Gloria Rubilar, and Teresa Mascarenhas to retire. Their hard work and dedication has helped countless students and colleagues throughout the years.  We wish them a wonderful retirement!

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